
Sustainable Dairy Production

ISBN/EAN: 9780470655849
Umbreit-Nr.: 3285259

Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 280 S.
Format in cm:
Einband: gebundenes Buch

Erschienen am 08.03.2013
Auflage: 1/2013
€ 192,00
(inklusive MwSt.)
  • Zusatztext
    • InhaltsangabePreface ix Contributors xi 1 Introduction 1 Peter de Jong 1.1 Sustainability and the dairy industry: hype or trend? 2 1.2 Quantifying the issue: measuring footprints 4 1.3 Communication: telling the whole story 5 1.4 Structure of this book 6 References 8 2 Greenhouse gas emissions from global dairy production 9 Theun V. Vellinga, Pierre Gerber and Carolyn Opio 2.1 Introduction 9 2.2 Methods for calculating emissions 11 2.3 Total emissions of the dairy sector 14 2.4 Discussion 26 References 28 3 Life cycle assessment 31 Maartje N. Sevenster 3.1 Introduction 31 3.2 Current life cycle assessment 32 3.3 Life cycle assessment in application 37 3.4 Life cycle assessment of dairy products 41 3.5 Life cycle assessment in strategy and policy 50 Acknowledgements 51 References 52 4 Sustainability and resilience of the dairy sector in a changing world: a farm economic and EU perspective 55 Roel Jongeneel and Louis Slangen 4.1 Introduction 56 4.2 Dairy economics and sustainability 62 4.3 Sustainability evaluation of the EU dairy sector 71 4.4 Agricultural policy 79 4.5 Conclusion 83 References 85 5 Dairy processing 87 Arjan J. van Asselt and Michael G. Weeks 5.1 Introduction 87 5.2 Key unit operations and their water and energy use 89 5.3 Possibilities for optimisation 101 5.4 Revisiting dairy processing: breakthrough technologies 114 References 117 6 The role of packaging in a sustainable dairy chain 119 Erika Mink 6.1 Introduction 120 6.2 Packaging sustainability: a growing market expectation 123 6.3 Packaging's contribution to dairy sustainability 130 6.4 Global alignment of packaging requirements: implications for dairy 139 6.5 A company response: the example of Tetra Pak 150 6.6 Outlook: growing importance of economic and social pillars of sustainability 158 References 160 7 The business case for sustainable dairy products 163 Jaap Petraeus 7.1 Introduction 163 7.2 From a process-driven to a product-driven approach 164 7.3 Success factors for creating more sustainable processes and products 169 7.4 Implementation of sustainability within the company 175 7.5 The business case for sustainability 180 7.6 Policy and strategy adopted by different dairy companies 183 7.7 Looking to the future 183 7.8 Conclusion 184 References 186 Appendix: Overview of the sustainability policy and strategy of various companies 187 8 A case study of marketing sustainability 191 Grietsje Hoekstra, Corine Kroft and Klaas Jan van Calker 8.1 Introduction 191 8.2 What is sustainability? 193 8.3 Motivations for sustainability 196 8.4 Choose your battles: sustainability strategy issues 198 8.5 Getting to work 203 8.6 Communicating sustainability 212 8.7 Conclusion 217 Acknowledgement 218 References 219 9 Cradle to Cradle for innovations in the dairy industry 221 Wil A.M. Duivenvoorden 9.1 Introduction 222 9.2 A tool for C2C(r)-driven innovation (PROPER model) 229 9.3 Cradle to Cradle for the dairy industry 232 9.4 Conclusion 238 References 241 10 The future of sustainable dairy production 243 Peter de Jong 10.1 Future relevance of sustainable dairy 243 10.2 Next steps in chain innovation 244 10.3 Communication and marketing 247 10.4 Business case: people, planet and profit 247 10.5 Conclusion 249 References 250 Index 251
  • Kurztext
    • Sustainability is a pressing issue in all types of manufacturing, and the dairy industry is no exception. Studies have shown that current dairy production methods have a large environmental impact, whilst regulatory, societal and consumer pressures are forcing the industry to quantify its carbon and water footprints, and to adopt more sustainable practices. It is clear that sustainability will be on the agenda for the foreseeable future. Although it is expected that in the coming years there will be billions of new consumers creating new business opportunities for dairy companies, some crucial issues remain. It has been concluded that the current global food system is on an unsustainable track, which poses a threat to global food security. The dairy sector needs to be transformed in order to secure a long-term food supply for future generations. Sustainable Dairy Production aims to provide the dairy and related industries with inspiration to find sustainable solutions for today and tomorrow. The book gives an overview of the main aspects of a sustainable dairy production chain. It then follows the approach a dairy company can apply to upgrade their degree of sustainability in terms of energy use, carbon footprint and water footprint. The book is richly illustrated with examples of real-life companies' approaches to the challenge of sustainability. The book is aimed at everyone working with dairy production issues, whether from an industry or an academic perspective. Readers will particularly value the insights from the many dairy industry experts who make up the author team and the new production design concepts that are included in the book.